M'dea Kyoto
Methodea LLC
Method and Idea for Business
Last Update 11/27/2020
First Upload 8/30/2013

Travel Photos of Kyoto

Kyoto was Japan's capital and the emperor's residence from 794 to 1868. About 1600 Buddhist temples and 400 Shinto shrines, as well as palaces and architecture remain with its histrical and artistical values intact today, through a number of domestic wars, earthqakes and fires over the centuries. UNESCO designated Kyoto as World Heritage in 1994 for its 17 historic monuments. While Kyoto is the best preserved city in Japan, it is the Japanese 7th largest city with 1.4 million people and a modern face. (The numbers of stars were determined based on my preference in view of Autumn leaves.)

(Show photos upon clicking the name of each site)

Temples and Shrines

alternative text of kyoto map

Old Town Streets

alternative text of kyoto old town map

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