M'dea TBBT 3-20
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First Upload 6/10/2015

The Big Bang Theory Season 3

3-20 The Spaghetti Catalyst


Even after Leonard and Penny have broken up, Sheldon continues to maintain contact with Penny and plans to invite himself over for a spaghetti dinner at her apartment. As Howard tells Sheldon that he cannot be friends with both Penny and Leonard, Sheldon hides his dinner plans and eats dinner with the guys. But Sheldon cannot keep his friendship with her secret, so he reveals to Leonard that he is still friends with Penny, which Leonard does not mind. The next day, Penny bumps into Leonard in the laundry room and tells him that she is taking Sheldon with her to Disneyland that Saturday. When she drops Sheldon home late on Saturday night and puts him to bed, she tells Leonard that they can remain friends despite their break up, which he accepts. However he suggests that they could have a friends with benefits relationship, which she refuses. (レナードとペニーが別れた後も、シェルダンはペニーと接触があり、ペニーの部屋でスパゲッティーを食べる計画を立てる。ハワードが両方と友達づきあいするのはまずいと言うので、シェルダンはその計画を隠してオタク達と夕食を食べる。しかし、秘密を守れずにレナードに打ち明けると、彼は気にしないという。翌日、ペニーは洗濯室でレナードと鉢合わせし、土曜にシェルダンをディズニー・ランドに連れて行くと告げる。そして土曜日の夜、シェルダンを寝かせつけた後で、ペニーはレナードにただの友達になろうと提案する。レナードはそれを受け入れ、セックスありの友達をほのめかすが、ペニーに拒否される。)

Word Review

[The lobby]
Penny: Oh, damn, they cancelled my Visa. Oh, yay, a new MasterCard!(。)
Sheldon: Uh-oh.
Penny: What?
Sheldon: I was going to get my mail. (郵便物を取りに行くとだったんだ。)
Penny: Okay. Are, are you hoping to get it telepathically? (オーケー、あなたはそれをテレパシーみたいに受け取りたいと思わない?)
Sheldon: I think you mean telekinetically. And no, I just wasn't sure of the proper protocol now that you and Leonard are no longer having coitus. (君が言いたいのは念動だよ。いいや、君とレナードがもう性交しないから、僕は適切な協定が確認できなかったんだ。)
Penny: God, can we please just say no longer seeing each other? (あら、単にもう会わないって言ってくれない?)
Sheldon: Well, we could if it were true. But as you live in the same building, you see each other all the time. The variable which has changed is the coitus. (それが真実なそう言うよ。でも君達が同じ建物に住んでるんだからしょっちゅう会うだろ。以前との相違点は性交だけさ。)
Penny: Okay, here's the protocol, you and I are still friends, and you stop saying coitus. (オーケー、協定はこうよ、私とあなたは今でも友達、そしてあなたは性交って言うのをやめる。)
Sheldon: Good, good. I'm glad we're still friends. (いいよ、まだ友達だってのは嬉しいよ。)
Penny: Really?
Sheldon: Oh, yes. It was a lot of work to accommodate you in my life. I'd hate for that effort to have been in vain. (ああ、そうさ、僕の生活の中で君のために多くのことをしたよ。そんな努力を無駄にするのはいやなんだ。)
Penny: Right.
Sheldon: Just to be clear do I have to stop saying coitus with everyone or just you? (性交するって言うのをやめるのは誰についてもかい、それとも君だけのこと?)
Penny: Everyone.
Sheldon: Harsh terms. But all right, I'll just substitute intercourse. (どぎつい言葉だ、わかった、肉体関係って言おう。)
Penny: Great.
Sheldon: Or fornication. Yeah. But that has judgmental overtones, so I'll hold that in reserve. (さもなければ、姦淫。そう。でもそれは裁判的なニュアンスだね、それは予備に取っておこう。)
Penny: So, how you been?
Sheldon: Well, my existence is a continuum, so I've been what I am at each point in the implied time period. (僕の存在は連続的だし、示唆されたどの期間を取っても僕は僕だよ。)
Penny: You're just coitusing with me, aren't you? (あなたは私と性交してるんでしょ?)
Sheldon: Bazinga.
Penny: Mmm. How's Leonard doing? (レナードはどう?)
Sheldon: He seems all right. Although he does spend a disturbing amount of time looking at photographs of you and smelling the pillow you slept on. Oh, but now that I think of it, he asked me not to tell you that. (彼は大丈夫そうだよ。困ったほどの時間君の写真を見たり君が寝た枕のにおいをかいだりしてるけどね。おー、でも考えてみたら、それを君に言わないでくれって頼まれてた。)
Penny: I'll pretend I didn't hear it. (聞かなかった振りするわ。)
Sheldon: I'd rather you pretend I didn't say it. I see you bought Mama Italia marinara spaghetti sauce. (むしろ僕が言わなかったことにして欲しい。僕は君がママ・イタリアのマリナラ・スパゲッティ・ソースを買ったのを見たよ。)
Penny: Yep.
Sheldon: That's the sauce my mother uses. She likes cooking Italian because according to her, that's what the Romans made Jesus eat. (あれは僕の母さんが使ってたソースだ。彼女はイタリア料理を作るのが好きだったんだ。彼女によれば、ローマ人がイエスに食べさせたものだからだって。)
Penny: Interesting. I'll have to have you over for spaghetti some night. (おもしろいわ。いつかあなたをスパゲッティーに招待しなくちゃね。)
Sheldon: I'm hungry now.
Penny: Oh. Um, okay. Why don't you give me an hour and come over? (うん、いいわ。1時間ほどしたら食べに居らっしゃい。)
Sheldon: Will you cut up hot dogs into little chunks and mix them in with the sauce? (ホット・ドッグを細切れにしてソースに混ぜてくれないか?)
Penny: I don't have hot dogs. (私ホット・ドッグを持ってないわ。)
Sheldon: Oh, it's all right, I do. Oh! You're in for what my mother calls a real Eye-talian treat.  (おー、大丈夫、僕が持ってる。君は僕の母さんが言うところの本当に愛しいイタリア人てやつさ。)
(Sheldon enters his apartment.)
Leonard: Hey, where you been?
Sheldon: I was talking with Penny.
Howard: What's wrong with you? You can't hang out with your roommate's ex. That's totally uncool. (どうしたんだ?君のルーム・メイトの元カノとつるむなんて。そりゃまずいぜ。)
Leonard: No, no, it's fine. I don't care. I'm over it. (いや、いや、大丈夫。気にしないよ。僕には過ぎたことさ。)
Raj: Yeah, he's over it, that's why he's been whining all day about trying to invent that memory-wiper gizmo from Men in Black. (そう、彼には過ぎたことだから、1日中すすり泣いて『メン・イン・ブラック』の何とかいうメモリー消去装置を発明しようとしているんだ。)
Sheldon: Is he making any progress? Because I'd like to erase Ben Affleck as Daredevil. (彼は少しは前進したのかい?『デアデビル』としてのベン・アフレックを消去したいんだけど。)
Howard: So would Ben Affleck. The point is, in a situation like this you got to pick sides. You're either on Team Leonard or Team Penny. (ベン・アフレックもだね。要は、こういう状況の場合、君はどちらかを選ばなきゃならない。チーム・レナードかチーム・ペニーかを。)
Sheldon: Which one picks last? (どっちが最後に残る方?)
Howard: What?
Sheldon: Well, usually I'm on the team that picks last. Unless there's a kid in a wheelchair. (僕はいつも最後に残るやつを選ぶんだ。さもないと車椅子の少年がいるからね。)
Leonard: Sheldon, I got you your tangerine chicken. I hope you're hungry. (シェルダン、君にオレンジ・チキンを買ってきたよ。お腹がすいてるだろう。)
Sheldon: Well, of course I'm hungry. And as I have no plans to eat with any other team, I will consume my tangerine chicken with the appropriate gusto. Mm, mm, mm! (ああ、もちろんお腹がすいてるよ。他のチームと食べる計画はないから、オレンジ・チキンをおいしくいただくよ。ん、ん!)
Leonard: Okay.
Sheldon: Just out of curiosity, do we still have hot dogs? (ちょっと知りたいんだけど、僕らのホットドッグまだ残ってたかな?)
Leonard: I don't know. Why?
Sheldon: Just making dinner conversation. Go, Team Leonard! (ただの夕食の会話さ。それ行け、チーム・レナード。)

[A few moments later]
Howard: Oh, God, this is good.
Raj: Let me ask you a question. Do you believe you're going to go to hell for eating sweet and sour pork? (聞きたいんだけど。酢豚を食べると地獄へ落ちるって信じるかい?)
Howard: Jews don't have hell. We have acid reflux. (ユダヤ人には地獄はない。あるのは胃酸の逆流さ。)
Leonard: Do you want the last dumpling, Sheldon? (最後の蒸しだんご食べるかい、シェルダン?)
Sheldon: Certainly. It's not like I have to moderate my food intake because I'm planning on eating again very shortly. Mm, mm, mm! (いいとも、僕はすぐ後に食べるために加減しなきゃならないなんてことはない。んむ、んむ、んむ)
Leonard: So, you guys want to do something tonight? (それで、君達今夜何かしたいことあるかい?)
Howard: Nah, I can't. I got to pick up my mom from her water aerobics class. 18 overweight women flapping their arm fat in a swimming pool. Looks like the manatee tank at Sea World. (だめ、僕は参加できない。ウォーター・エアロビックスのクラスまで母さんを迎えに行かなきゃならないんだ。18人の肥満の女性がプールで腕の脂肪をばたつかせるのさ。シー・ワールドのマナティーの水槽みたいに見えるよ。)
Leonard: What about you, Raj?
Raj: Oh, there it is, now that you don't have a girlfriend, you want to hang out with me again. (おー、そういうこと、ガール・フレンドがいなくなったから、また僕とつるもうってのかい。)
Leonard: I never stopped hanging out with you. (僕は君とつるむのをやめたことはないよ。)
Raj: Oh, please, we all know I'm the friend you call when you have no other options. If we were the Justice League, I'd be Aquaman. (おー、お願いだ、僕は君に相手がいないときだけ呼ばれる選択肢さ。君がジャスティス・リーグだとすれば僕はアクアマンだ。)
Howard: I wish you were Aquaman. Then I could send you to scoop my mom out of the old lady tank. (僕は君がアクアマンだったらいいなって思うよ。そしたら僕の母さんを老女達の水槽から掬い出すために君を送れたのに。)

Sheldon: Excuse me, I'm thirsty, so I'm going to go to the refrigerator and get myself a refreshing beverage. (失礼、喉が渇いたんで、冷蔵庫に行って飲み物を飲むよ。)
Leonard: You know what? I'll just spend the evening alone. (いいかい、僕は夕方を一人で過ごすんだ。)
Raj: What, suddenly I'm not good enough for you? (突然どうしたんだ、僕じゃ不十分なのか?)
Sheldon: Ah, I do so love beverages. Now I think I'll take my after-dinner walk. (あー、飲み物がおいしい。食後の散歩してくるよ。)
Leonard: Since when do you take after-dinner walks? (いつから食後の散歩するようになったんだい?)
Howard: Yeah, since when do you take walks? (そうだ、いつから散歩するようになったんだい?)
Sheldon: I read a study online that walking after a meal not only aids in digestion, but increases serotonin*, and you know me, if there's one thing I like more than a refreshing beverage, it's serotonin. Bye-bye. (オン・ラインで食後の散歩が消化だけじゃなくてセロトニンの増加も助けるっていう研究を読んだんだ。僕に飲み物よりも好きなものがあるとすればセロトニンだからね。) *セロトニンは人間の精神面に大きな影響与え、心身の安定や心の安らぎなどにも関与する神経伝達物質。
Howard: Hold on. I'll walk down with you. (まって、僕も一緒に行くから。)
Sheldon: Oh, that's not necessary. You can go first. (その必要はない、先に行ってくれ。)
Howard: Or we could go together. (一緒に行こう。)
Sheldon: I can't think of a reason why not. (別々に行かない理由はないよ。)
Howard: Let's go.
Sheldon: Hold on. Nope, no reason. (まって、理由がない。)
Raj: I've missed you. (僕が寂しいからさ。)

[The lobby]
Sheldon: All right, say hello to your mother for me. (それじゃあ、君の母さんによろしく。)
Howard: Okay.
Sheldon: What?
Howard: You said you were going for a walk. (散歩に行くって言ってただろ。)
Sheldon: I didn't say outside. (外に行くって言ってないよ。)
Howard: So what, you're just gonna walk up and down the stairs? (それじゃあ何かい、君はただ階段を上り下りするだけのつもりかい?)
Sheldon: No, of course not. That would be odd and suspicious behavior. (ちがう、もちろん違う。それじゃ変だし、怪しい行動だ。)
Woman's voice: Here Bubbles. Here boy.
Howard: Which way are you going?
Sheldon: Which way are you going?
Howard: I parked my scooter down the block.
Sheldon: I'm going the other way. Bye.
Howard: Bye. Actually, I'm this way. Do I smell hot dogs? (バイ、実は、僕はこっちへ行くんだ。ホット・ドッグの匂いがしないか?)
Sheldon: No. I mean, I have no idea what you smell. (いや、君が何のにおいを感じるかなんて知らないよ。)
Howard: I definitely smell raw hot dog. (絶対生ホット・ドッグの匂いがするぞ。)
Sheldon: Perhaps you're getting a brain tumour. (多分君には脳腫瘍があるんだ。)
Howard: All right, have a nice walk.
Sheldon: I shall. Have a nice scoot.
Howard: You might want to stand back. I'm sitting on top of 13 horses here. (多分君は離れたいんだろう。僕は13馬力に乗ってるんだ。)
Sheldon: Oh. Hello, doggie. Nice doggie. I bet you think you smell hot dogs. Look, a cat!

[Penny's apartment]
Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny, (knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Long pause, knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Penny opens door. A dishevelled Sheldon is holding up one hot dog.)
Sheldon:Here. I had to trade the others for my life. (ほら、もう1個は僕の命と引き換えなきゃならなかったんだ。)

[The apartment]
Raj: Hey, Leonard?
Leonard: Yeah?
Raj: I haven't had sex in a year. (僕は1年間セックスしてないよ。)
Leonard: Where you going with this, Raj? (何が言いたいんだ、ラジ?)
Raj: Don't flatter yourself, dude. I want to go out and meet a woman. (うんぼれるなよ。僕は外へ行って女の子と出会うよ。)
Leonard: So, go.
Raj: Well, I need a wingman. I don't want to come off* like a lonely loser. (それで僕には手助けが必要なんだ。孤独な敗北者にはなりたくない。)
Leonard: And you think my presence will help with that? (それで僕がいればそうならなくて済むと思うのかい)
Raj: Well, I do. Next to you, I'll look like a catch. (ああ、そう思うよ。君の隣にいれば僕は掘り出し物に見える。)
Leonard: I'm not going out tonight, Raj. (僕は今日は外出しないよ、ラジ。)
Raj: All right. Would you mind if I went to your room and downloaded some Asian pornography? (わかったよ。君の部屋に行ってアジア人のポルノをダウン・ロードしていいかい?)
Leonard: Very much. (だめ。)
Raj: Doesn't have to be Asian. (アジア人でなくてもいいんだ。)
Leonard: Don't worry. You'll meet a girl someday. (大丈夫、君はいつか女の子と巡り合えるさ。)
Raj: No, I won't.
Leonard: Yes, you will, and she'll be beautiful, and kind and sexy and funny and everything you ever wanted in a woman. (巡り合えるよ、可愛くて、セクシーで、おもしろくて、君が女の子に求める全てを備えた子とね。)
Raj: You really think so?
Leonard: I do, and you'll fall hopelessly in love and give her your heart. And she'll take it and grind it into pathetic, little pieces. (そう思うよ、そして君は絶望的な恋に落ちて心を捧げるんだ。するとその子は其れを受け取って、すりつぶして哀れで小さなかけらにするんだ。)
Raj: But we'll have sex first, right? (でも、僕らは最初にセックスをするんだろ?)

[Penny's apartment]
Sheldon: Mmm, mmm, mmm. That's Eye-talian. (ムーン、これぞイタリアン。)
Penny: So, um, was Leonard okay with you coming over? (それで、あなたがここに来るの、レナードはオーケーなの?)
Sheldon: Oh, yes. In fact, he said, I'm fine, I don't care. And he in no way said it in a manner which would lead one to believe that he was covering up feelings of anguish and betrayal. (おー、大丈夫、実際彼は結構って言ってたし、僕は気にしないよ。彼はそれを言うとき、怒りや裏切りへの感情を隠すようなそぶりは全くなかった。)
Penny: Well, good.
Sheldon: I'm also pleased to report that he's all cried out over you. (それに、彼は君について泣きつくしたってことを報告しておこう。)
Penny: He's been crying?
Sheldon: Oh, I believe that was something else I wasn't supposed to mention. (おー、それは僕が言うべきことじゃなかったね。)
Penny: Oh, God, I feel terrible.
Sheldon: Do you have a stomach ache, too? (君も胃が痛いのかい?)
Penny: No. Why, do you?
Sheldon: No.
Penny: Why did you ask if I had one, too? (どうして私も胃が痛いか訊ねたの?)
Sheldon: Just making polite dinner conversation. Your turn. (ちょっとした夕食の会話さ。君の番だよ。)
Penny: All right. So, what's new in your life? (わかったわ、最近変わったことある?)
Sheldon: Well, my new shoes are not made for running. (えーと、僕の新しい靴はランニング用にできてないんだ。)
Penny: Have you been running? (走ったの?)
Sheldon: No. It's just a suspicion I have. Mmm, mmm, mmm. (いや、ちょっとそんな感じがしたのさ。)
Penny: I'm so glad you like it. (気に入っていただいてうれしいわ。)
Sheldon: I do. Leonard never cooks for me. (おいしいよ。レナードは全然料理してくれないんだ。)
Penny: Well, maybe that's 'cause Leonard can't cook. (レナードは料理出来ないのよ。)
Sheldon: You can't cook and you made me this. (君も料理出来ないけど、これ作ってくれたよ。)
Penny: Whatever. Ooh, I'm gonna get the cheesecake out of the fridge. (好きに言えば。おー、冷蔵庫からチーズケーキとってくるわ。)
Sheldon: Oh, Lord, I'm in Jewish hell. (おー、何と、胃酸の逆流だ。)

[The apartment]
Raj: Look at this. Do you think she's really doing that or is it PhotoShop? (これ見ろよ。彼女は本当にこれやってると思うかい、それともフォト・ショップの加工?)
Leonard: I'm pretty sure Martha Stewart never got naked with a room full of big, fat Japanese guys. (マーサ・スチュアートは部屋一杯の太った日本人と裸になったことはないって断言するよ。)
Raj: You don't know that. Prison changes people. (そんなの分らないよ。刑務所は人を変えるんだ。)
Leonard: Hey, where you been?
Sheldon: I told you, walking.
Leonard: For an hour and a half?
Sheldon: I got lost.
Leonard: How could you get lost? Your phone has GPS. (どうやって迷子になるんだ?君の携帯はGPS付きだ。)
Sheldon: Satellites are down. Solar flares. (衛星が故障したのさ。太陽フレアだ。)
Raj: There are no solar flares right now. (今は太陽フレアはないよ。)
Sheldon: Yes, there are.
Raj: Dude, I'm an astrophysicist. If there were solar flares, I'd be all up in it. (おい、僕は宇宙物理学者だ。もし太陽フレアがあったって言うなら僕はそれに首を突っ込んでたはず。)
Sheldon: I'm sorry. I misspoke. What I meant to say was my battery died. (ごめん、言い間違えた。電池が切れてたって言おうとしてたんだ。)
Leonard: What the hell was that about?
Raj: I don't know. Do you think this is really Hillary Clinton doing it with Oprah? (知らないよ。君はヒラリー・クリントンが本当にオプラ・ウィンフリーとやってると思うかい?)
Leonard: Oh, we really need to get you a girl. (おー、僕ら本当に君に女の子を見つけてやる必要があるな。)

[Leonard's bedroom]
(Leonard is asleep.)
Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard, (knock, knock, knock) Leonard, (knock, knock, knock) Leonard.
Leonard: Oh, just come in!
Sheldon: Thanks for seeing me on such short notice. (突然の知らせに会ってくれてありがとう。)
Leonard: What do you want, Sheldon?
Sheldon: Maybe this isn't a good time.
Leonard: Tell me why you woke me up or I swear to God I will kill you. (どうして起こすか言ってくれ、さもなきゃ殺すよ。)
Sheldon: Do you really think death threats are an appropriate way to begin this conversation? Sometimes your lack of social skills astonishes me. (この会話始めるのに殺すって脅しがふさわしいのかい?時々君の社交性の欠如には驚かされるよ。)
Leonard: What do you want?
Sheldon: You may want to sit down. (君は座りたいだろ。)
Leonard: I'm in bed!
Sheldon: Point taken. You may want to sit up. (了解。君は立ちあがりたいんだ。)
Leonard: Sheldon!
Sheldon: I've been seeing Penny behind your back. (僕は君に隠れてペニーと会ってるんだ。)
Leonard: Okay, when you say seeing Penny, what exactly does that mean? (オーケー、君がペニーと会ってる言うのはどういう意味なんだ。)
Sheldon: We had dinner last night. She made me spaghetti with little hot dogs cut up in it. Well, little hot dog. I gave up the other five hot dogs to a real dog. A real, big dog. A hell hound. Tangential to the primary story. How about I circle back to it? (僕らは昨夜一緒に夕食を食べたんだ。彼女がホット・ドッグを細切れにして入れたスパゲッティーを作ってくれた。えーと、ミニ・ホットドッグだけど。もう5個の本当のホット・ドッグは諦めたんだ。本物の大きい奴はね。ヘル・ハウンドのせいだ。本題からずれたね。本題に戻ろうか?)
Leonard: Fine. Why did you have dinner with Penny? (いいよ、どうしてペニーと一緒に夕食を食べたの?)
Sheldon: I told you, she made spaghetti with little hot dogs. I like spaghetti with little hot dogs. (言ったけど、彼女がミニ・ホット・ドッグを細切れにして入れたスパゲッティーを作ってくれたんだ。僕はミニ・ホット・ドッグを入れたスパゲッティーが好きなんだ。)
Leonard: Then why did you have Chinese food with us? (じゃあ、どうして僕らと中華料理を食べたんだ?)
Sheldon: I didn't want to upset you. Howard made it very clear that my allegiance should be to male comrades before women who sell their bodies for money. (君を不快にさせたくなかったんだ。ハワードがはっきり言ってたけど、体をお金で売る女達よりも僕は男の僚友に忠義を尽くすべきだし。)
Leonard: Is it possible he said Bros before Hos? (色恋より友情を優先なんて彼が言うかい?)
Sheldon: Yes, but I rephrased it to avoid offending the hos. (ああ、でも多分女の子を攻撃しないように言いかえただろうけどね。)
Leonard: Sheldon, I don't care if you want to be friends with Penny. (シェルダン、君がペニーと友達づきあいしても僕は気にしないよ。)
Sheldon: Oh. Well, so the emotional turmoil that's been keeping me from achieving REM sleep was entirely unjustified? (おー、えーと、REM睡眠を妨げた感情的な混乱は全く根拠を欠いてるかい?)
Leonard: Yes.
Sheldon: Well then as my meemaw would say, looks like we butchered a pig, but nobody wanted bacon. (それなら、僕のおばあちゃんが言うように、僕らがブタを殺しても誰もベーコンを欲しがらないみたいに。)
Leonard: I guess not. (そうだね。)
Sheldon: And now, as promised, the tangent. Sheldon and the Hell Hound, or How I Lost My Hot Dogs. (それじゃあ、約束したように、話を逸らそう。シェルダンとヘル・ハウンドもしくは如何に僕がホットドッグを失ったか。)

[The laundry room]
Penny: Oh, um, I, I can come back.
Leonard: D-don't be silly. We're neighbours, we're going to run into each other, may as well get used to it. (ばかなこと言わないで。僕らは隣同士だし、出くわすこともある、それに慣れた方がいい。)
Penny: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Leonard: You used to it yet? (まだ慣れてないかい?)
Penny: Nope.
Leonard: Me neither. Oh, Sheldon seemed think that I would be upset about you hanging out with him. But I just want you to know it's fine. (僕もだよ。おー、シェルダンは君が彼とつるんでると僕を困惑させると思ったみたいだね。でも僕は気にしないって君に知ってほしい。)
Penny: Oh, oh, good, because, um, his mother called me. (ああよかったわ、だって彼のお母さんから電話がきたの。)
Leonard: His mother?
Penny: Yeah, she wants me to take him shopping for sheets and towels. (彼のお母さんから彼を、シーツとタオルを買いに連れてってって頼まれたの。)
Leonard: I was going to do that. (僕がそうしようとしてたんだ。)
Penny: Oh, well, then you, you do it.
Leonard: No, I don't want to do it. You can do it. (僕はしたくない。君がしてやれよ。)
Penny: Okay, you can take him for shoes. (いいわ、じゃあ彼を靴買いに連れてって。)
Leonard: I just took him for shoes. (連れてったばかりだ。)
Penny: Well, all I know is he says they hurt his feet. (そう、私が知ってるのは彼が足を痛めたってことだけよ。)
Leonard: Fine. I'll take him for shoes next Saturday. (わかった、今度の土曜日に連れていくよ。)
Penny: Oh, no, no, no, a bunch of us from work are going to Disneyland next Saturday and Sheldon wants to come. (だめ、だめ、今度の土曜は私たち何人かでディズニー・ランドへ行くのよ。シェルダンも行きたいんだって。)
Leonard: You're taking him to Disneyland?
Penny: Well, he heard me making plans on the phone. Was I going to say no? (電話で計画してたのを聞かれたのよ。駄目って言える?)
Leonard: All right. But let me know if you're going to stuff him with junk food. I don't want to bring home a nice dinner for him and see it go to waste. (わかったよ。でも彼にジャンク・フードをたらふく食べさせるつもりか知っておきたい。彼においしい夕食を買ってきてゴミ箱に捨てられたくないからね。)
Penny: We're going to Disneyland. He's going to eat junk food. (私達ディズニー・ランドに行くのよ。彼はジャンク・フードを食べるわ。)
Leonard: All I'm saying is give me a heads-up. (警告してほしかっただけさ。)
Penny: Okay, whatever.
Leonard: And don't let him go on Space Mountain after he eats. He'll say he can handle it, but I promise you'll end up with churro puke on your shoes. (食べた後でスペース・マウンテンに行かせないでね。彼は大丈夫って言うけど、絶対君の靴の上にチュロスを吐かれるよ。)
Penny: All right, got it. Is there anything else? (分ったわ、他に何かある?)
Leonard: Yeah, don't let Goofy near him. He'll have nightmares and I'll have to deal with it. (ああ、グーフィーを彼に近付けさせないで。彼は悪夢を見て僕が対処しなくちゃならないんだ。)
Penny: What's the problem with Goofy? (グーフィーに何か問題あるの?)
Leonard: Wish I knew. He's fine with Pluto. (僕が知りたいよ。プルートーは問題ない。)

[The apartment]
Raj: Hey, do you think the elastic woman in The Incredibles* needs to use birth control or can she just be a diaphragm? (Mr.インクレディブルのゴム女は避妊を必要とすると思うかい、それとも彼女は女性用避妊具付けてるとか?) *『Mr.インクレディブル』は、ディズニー配給(2004)、ピクサー製作のフルCGによるスーパー・ヒーロー・アニメーション映画。
Howard: Well, that's it. We're officially out of things to talk about. (もうそれまでだ。僕らは公式に話すことがなくなった。)
Penny: We're home.
Leonard: It's ten o'clock, where have you been? (もう10時だよ、どこへ行ってたんだい?)
Sheldon: We stayed for the California Adventure water show. It was pure Disney magic. (僕らはカリフォルニア・アドベンチャー・ウォーター・ショー見てたんだ。まさにディズニー・マジックだったよ。)
Leonard: I was going to see that with him. (僕はそれを彼と見に行こうとしてたんだ。)
Penny: How was I supposed to know that? (彼はそれを知るはずだったの?)
Sheldon: It's all right. I'll see it again with you. (大丈夫、僕は彼とまた見に行くよ。)
Leonard: And I have food here. You said you were going to call. (それに僕は夕食を買ってきちゃったよ。君は電話するって言ったからね。)
Penny: I know, I know.
Sheldon: I can still eat.
Penny: No, you already threw up once. Go put on your PJs and brush your teeth. (無理、あなたは一度吐いたでしょ。パジャマに着替えて歯を磨いてくれば。)
Sheldon: Okay, but just don't fight. (わかったよ、でも喧嘩はしないでくれよ。)
Leonard: We're not fighting.
Penny: Just go.
Leonard: Aren't you going to thank Penny for taking you to Disneyland? (君はペニーがディズニーランドに連れてってくれたことに感謝したかい?)
Sheldon: Thank you, Penny.
Penny: You're welcome, sweetie.
Leonard: Want a cup of coffee?
Penny: Oh, um, I should probably get going.
Leonard: Come on. It's just a cup of coffee.
Penny: Yep, okay.
Howard: (to Raj, who has whispered to him) Oh, yeah, the whole thing seems a little twisted to me, too. (ああ、その通り、なんだか捩れてるみたいに見えるよ。)
Leonard: What am I smelling? (何か匂うんだけど?)
Penny: Sheldon's churro on my shoes. (私の靴の上のシェルダンのチェロスよ。)

[Sheldon's bedroom]
Penny: He's such an angel when he's asleep. (彼は寝てるときは天使みたいよ。)
Leonard: Yeah. Shame he has to wake up. (ああ、でも残念なことに彼は起き上がるんだ。)
Penny: I think we can do it. (私達やれそうな気がするわ。)
Leonard: Smother Sheldon in his sleep? Wouldn't that be wrong? (寝てる間に窒息死させるのかい?それはまずいだろう?)
Penny: No, be friends. You and me. (ちがうわ、友達になることよ。あなたと私。)
Leonard: Oh. Sure. Absolutely. (ああ、いいよ。全く。)
Penny: Good. I'm glad.
Leonard: Here's an idea. I'm just throwing it out there, friends who have sex. (考えがあるんだけど。セックスする友達なんてのはどうだい?)
Penny: Good night, Leonard.
Leonard: Kidding. Just a couple of friends goofin' around. (冗談さ、つるんでるだけの友達だよ。)
Sheldon: (in his sleep) No, Goofy, no.

Story: Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady, Lee Aronsohn & Steven Molaro
Japanese interpretaion: Norih

Copyright (C) 2017 Methodea LLC