M'dea TBBT 3-14
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The Big Bang Theory Season 3

3-14 The Einstein Approximation


Being obsessed with solving the physics problem, Sheldon thinks he needs a menial job to get better idea because Albert Einstein came up with the Theory of Relativity while working at a menial job at the Swiss patent office. Sheldon then decides to work at the Cheesecake Factory with Penny as he considers her job the most menial of all. He shows up and works as a busboy and waiter, and turns out to be a more efficient waiter than Penny until he drops and breaks a tray of dishes. The scattering of the shattered pieces leads him to the answer to his problem, and he promptly walks out without cleaning up the mess. Meanwhile Leonard and Howard go to the roller skating disco with Penny and Bernadette where the guys embarrass their girlfriends with their outfits and dancing. Raj is left out as he does not have a girlfriend, even though it was his idea to go to the skating disco. Eventually Raj successfully pressurizes a reluctant Howard to take him to the skating disco. (物理学の問題に行き詰ったシェルダンは、スイスの特許庁で単純な仕事に従事している間に相対性理論を考え付いたアインシュタインに倣って、よりよいアイデアを得るために自分も単純労働する必要があると考える。そしてペニーの仕事が最も単純と考え、彼女とともにチーズケーキ・ファクトリーで働くことにする。店に現れると、彼は皿洗いとウェイターの仕事を始め、ペニーよりも効率よく働く..、トレーを落としてお皿を割るまでは。しかし散らばった破片を見て問題解決の糸口をつかんだシェルダンは、片付けもせずに突然店を出て行ってしまう。 一方、レナードとハワードはペニーとバーナデットと一緒にローラー・スケート・ディスコに行き、その服装とダンスで彼女たちを当惑させる。スケート・ディスコを提案したラジは、彼女がいないので置いてきぼりにされるが、最後に、気が進まないハワードを無理やり誘って、スケート・ディスコに行く。)

Word Review

[The apartment]
(Sheldon is stood in the middle of the room. His whiteboard is behind him. Every few moments he turns round suddently.)
Penny: Whatcha doing?
Sheldon: I'm attempting to view my work as a fleeting peripheral image so as to engage the superior colliculus of my brain.(僕の脳の上丘を働かせるように、僕の研究を一瞬よぎる辺縁像としてとらえようとしているんだ。)
Penny: Interesting. I usually just have coffee. You've been up all night?(おもしろいわね。私いつも単にコーヒーを飲むの。あなた徹夜したの?)
Sheldon: Is it morning?
Penny: Yes.
Sheldon: Then I've been up all night.
Penny: And you're stuck?(そして行き詰ってるの?)
Sheldon: Why else would a person try to engage their superior colliculus?(他にどうしてに脳の上丘を働かせるっていうんだ?)
Penny: Oh, sorry, sweetie, I can't help you till I've had my coffee.(ごめんなさい、コーヒー飲むまで手伝えないわ。)
Leonard: Penny, I told you if you don't put him in his crate at night he just runs around the apartment.(ペニー、もしも夜に彼を木枠に入れないとアパートの周りを走り回るって言っただろ。)
Penny: What is he doing now?
Leonard: Mmm, he's either isolating the terms of his formula and examining them individually, or looking for the alligator that swallowed his hand after Peter Pan cut it off.(うん、彼の数式の項を解いてそれらを個別に検査するか、さもなければピーターパンが切り落とした彼の手を呑み込んだアリゲーターを探してるんだ。)
Sheldon: Captain Hook's hand was eaten by a crocodile, not an alligator. If you're going to mock me, at least get your facts straight.(キャプテンフックの手はワニに食べられたんだ、アリゲーターじゃない。もしも君が僕のまねをするんなら、少なくともきちんと事実を把握してくれ。)
Leonard: Aye, aye, Captain.
Sheldon: I can't see it! It just won't coalesce.(わからない!それが融合しないんだ。)
Leonard: Maybe you need a fresh start.(多分最初からやり直す必要があるよ。)
Sheldon: You're right.
(Sheldon takes whiteboard to window and throws it out. Picks up a new one)
Sheldon: It's a great idea, Leonard. Thank you.

[The cafeteria]
Sheldon: Electrons move through graphene, act as if they have no mass…(電子がグラフェンを通り抜けて移動し、あたかも質量がないかのように振舞う...。)
Howard: How long has he been stuck?(彼はどれくらい長く行き詰ってるんだ?)
Leonard: Intellectually about 30 hours. Emotionally about 29 years.(知性的には約30時間、感情的には約29年間だ。)
Sheldon: Unit cell contains two carbon atoms. Interior angle of a hexagon is 120 degrees.(単位胞に2つの炭素原子が入ってる。六角形の内閣の角度は120度。)
Howard: Have you tried rebooting him?(彼を再起動してみようとしたかい?)
Leonard: No, I think it's a firmware problem.(いや、あれは組み込みソフトの問題だと思う。)
Raj: (arriving) Hey, it's Disco Night at the Moonlight Roller Rink in Glendale tonight. Who's up for getting down?(ヘイ、今夜はグランデールのムーン・ナイト・ローラー・リンクの夜間ディスコだ。誰か行く?)
Howard: Oh, that's perfect. Bernadette's been hocking me to take her roller skating.(おー、それいいね。バーナデットがローラー・スケートに連れてってくれって僕を困らせてたんだ。)
Leonard: I think Penny likes to skate. The four of us could double.(ペニーもスケート好きだよ。僕ら4人でダブルデートだ。)
Howard: What could be better? We're in.(最高じゃない?行こう。)
Raj: Great. It's not like I brought it up because I wanted to go.(すごいや。僕も行きたかったけど、それって僕の提案と違うみたいだね。)
Howard: You can come with us.(君も僕らと一緒に行けるよ。)
Raj: No, it's okay. I don't have to go. I'm happy just to guide you and your ladies to suitable entertainment choices. I'm a walking brown Yelp.com*.(いや、いいんだ。僕は行かなくてもいいさ。僕は君らとその彼女達に楽しみの選択を案内しただけで幸せさ。僕は褐色の歩くイェルプだ。) *イェルプは米国サンフランシスコに本拠を置くYelp, Inc. が運営している、飲食店などの店舗のレビューを投稿できる人気の口コミサイト。
Sheldon: Structure, constant structure. One atom…
Howard: Boy, he's really gone, isn't he?
Leonard: Yeah, this morning he used a stick of butter as deodorant.(そう、今朝彼はバターの棒を消臭剤として使ったよ。)
Howard: I thought I smelled popcorn.(自分がポップコーンの匂いがするのかと思ったよ。)
Sheldon: Pattern is the same as fermions, travels on the pathways, hexagonal, it's always hexagonal…(フェルミ粒子と同じパターン、経路を飛んで、六角形、常に六角形だ..。)
Leonard: I haven't seen him this stuck since he tried to figure out the third Matrix* movie.(3番目の『マトリックス』の映画を解き明かそうとして以来、彼がこんなに行き詰ってるのを見たことないよ。) *Season 2-2参照
Raj: (as Sheldon reaches out and grabs from his plate) Hey, those are my lima beans!(へい、これは僕のライマメだよ。)
Sheldon: Not lima beans, carbon atoms.(ライマメじゃなくて炭素原子だ。)
Raj: But if I don't eat my lima beans, I can't have my cookie.(でももしも僕がライマメを食べなきゃ、クッキーを食べられないよ。)
Leonard: Here, you want my peas?(ヘイ、僕のエンドウ豆欲しいかい?)
Sheldon: Peas! Perfect, they can be electrons.
Howard: Want my corn?
Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous. What would I do with corn?
Leonard: So roller skating, should we all grab a bite to eat first?(それで、ローラースケートだけど、先に何か食べるかい?)
Howard: Good. P.F. Chang's*? My mom has coupons.(いいね、P.F.チャングスはどう?僕の母さんがクーポン持ってる。)P.F.チャングスは、アメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州フェニックスに本拠を置く中華料理専門のレストランチェーン。
Leonard: Great. Your mom's not coming, right?(いいね、君の母さんは来ないんだろ?)
Howard: Not this time, I promise.
Raj: Okay, just to be clear, roller skating was my idea, and I'm very unhappy that you turned it into a double date, and I hope you both fall on your asses and break your coccyxes.(オーケー、はっきりさせよう、ローラースケートは僕のアイデアだ。でも君達がそれをダブルデートにしちゃったから僕はうれしくない、だから僕は君らが尻もちをついて 尾びてい骨を骨折すればいいと思ってる。)
Sheldon: The plural of coccyx is coccyges.(尾びてい骨coccyxの複数形はcoccygesだよ。)
Raj: Screw you. Give me back my lima beans.(ふざけんな。僕のライマメを返せ。)

[The stairwell]
Bernadette: Oh, my God, have you ever been so embarrassed?
Penny: Not recently.
Bernadette: I don't know which was lamer, their roller-skating or their disco dancing.(彼らのローラースケートとディスコ・ダンスのどっちがダサいかわかんないわ。)
Penny: For me, the worst part was when people saw us leave with them.(私にとって最悪なのは、みんなが私たちを彼らと同類ってみなした時よ。)
Leonard: You had some nice moves out there, Howard.(君はあそこでかっこよかったよ、ハワード。)
Howard: Thanks. You, too.
Leonard: Yeah. Did you notice all the people looking at us?(そう、みんなが僕らのこと見てるのに気がついたかい?)
Howard: Not really. I was in my boogie zone.(いや、僕は自分のブギー・ゾーンに入ってたからね。)
Bernadette: When Howard tried to do the splits…(ハワードがスプリットをやろうとした時...。)
Penny: Shh.
Leonard: Sorry. I'm moving a little slow. I think I bruised my coccyx.(ごめん。少しゆっくり行くよ。尾てい骨を痛めたみたいだ。)
Penny: Oh, poor baby.
Leonard: Don't tell Koothrappali. After you.(クースラパリには言わないで。お先にどうぞ。)
Penny: Oh, what a gentleman. Hey, Sheldon.
(Penny steps on marbles which are all over the floor, screams and falls)
Leonard: Oh, my God! Are you… (falls as well)
Sheldon: Good Lord! You're ruining everything!(なんてこと。君らはすべてを台無しにしたよ。)
Penny: Oh, damn.
Leonard: Are you okay?
Penny: Do I look okay?
Leonard: Don't bark at me. I fell, too.
Penny: Oh, you've been falling all night. You're used to it.(おー、あなたは一晩中転んでたわ。それに慣れてるでしょ。)
Howard: Sheldon, what the hell are you doing?
Sheldon: The same thing I've been doing for three days. Trying to figure out why electrons behave as if they have no mass when travelling through a graphene sheet.(3日間やってるのと同じことさ。電子がグラフェンの板を通り抜けるとき、どうして質量がないように振舞うのか明らかにしようとしてるんだ。)
Bernadette: With marbles?(ビー玉で?)
Sheldon: Well, I needed something bigger than peas, now, didn't I?(えーと、僕はエンドウ豆より大きい何かを必要としてたんだ、今、じゃなかったかい?)
Bernadette: Sheldon, when was the last time you got any sleep?(シェルダン、最後に眠ったのはいつ?)
Sheldon: I don't know, two, three days. Not important. I don't need sleep, I need answers. I need to determine where in this swamp of unbalanced formulas, squatteth the toad of truth.(分らない、2日か3日か。それは重要じゃない。僕には睡眠は必要じゃない。必要なのは答えだ。真理のヒキガエルが湿地に座りこんでるみたいに、不安定な式がどこに座ってるのか決定する必要があるんだ。)
Penny: Toad of truth? Is that a physics thing?(真理のヒキガエル?それって物理学のことなの?)
Leonard: No, that's a crazy thing.
Bernadette: Okay, Sheldon. What happens to our neuroreceptors when we don't get enough REM sleep?(オーケー、シェルダン。十分なREM-睡眠をとらないと私たちの神経受容体に何が起こると思う?)
Sheldon: They lose their sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine.(神経伝達物質のセロトニンとノルエピネフィリンに対する感受性を失うよ。)
Bernadette: Which leads to…?(そうなると...?)
Sheldon: Impaired cognitive function.(認識機能の喪失。)
Bernadette: Right, so march in there, brush your teeth and go to bed.(その通り、だからあっちへ行って、歯を磨いて寝なさい。)
Sheldon: But I don't want to go to bed.(でも僕は寝たくない。)
Bernadette: I'm going to count to three. One…(三つ数えるわ、一、..。)
Sheldon: Oh, all right.
Leonard: That was amazing how you handled him.(おどろきだね、君は彼を操ってる。)
Bernadette: I know how to deal with stubborn children. My mother used to run an illegal day care centre in our basement.(私は意固地な子供の扱い方を知ってるわ。私のお母さんが家の下室で違法なデイケア・センターを運営してたの。)<

[Leonard's bedroom]
Penny: Leonard, you're… you're giggling in your sleep.(レナード、あなたは眠ってるときくすくす笑ってたわ。)
Leonard: It's not me, it's my new ringtone. The Joker from Batman.(それは僕じゃない。僕の新しい着信音だ。バットマンのジョーカーだ。)
Penny: Well, it creeps me out.(私、ぞっとしたわ。)
Leonard: Me, too, but I paid three bucks for it.(僕もだよ、でもあれに3ドル払ったんだ。)
Penny: Just answer the phone.
Leonard: Hello. Yeah, I'm Leonard Hofstadter. Yeah, yeah, he's my roommate. Oh, God, is he okay? Yeah, alright, alright, I'll be right there.(もしもし、はい、レナード・ホフスタッダーです。おー、なんてこと、彼は大丈夫ですか?すぐそちらへ行きます。)
Penny: What happened?
Leonard: Sheldon's escaped and is terrorizing the village.(シェルダンが抜け出して、村を恐怖に陥れてるんだ。)
Penny: Okay. Have fun.

[A children's play area]
Leonard: Hi. I'm Dr. Hofstadter. Where is he?
Security Guard: Ball pit.
Leonard: Thanks for not calling the cops.(警察に電話しないでくれてありがとう。)
Security Guard: Oh, hey, it's no big deal. My sister's got a kid who's special.(おー、大したことじゃない。私の妹も特殊な子供を持ってるんでね。)
Leonard: Yeah, well, he's extra special. Hey, Shelly. What you doing?(そうね、彼は超特殊なんだ。ヘイ、シェリー。何してるの?)
Sheldon: Size ratio was all wrong. Couldn't visualize it. Needed bigger carbon atoms.(寸法比率が全部間違ってる。可視化できなかった。もっと大きな炭素原子が必要だったんだ。)
Leonard: Sure, sure. How did you get into this place?(わかった、わかった。どうやってここに入ったんだい?)
Sheldon: Back door has a five-pin tumbler system, single-circuit alarm. Child's play. You can start sorting protons and neutrons while I build carbon atoms.(裏のドアは5ピンのタンブラー式で、単回路の警報だ。子供の遊びさ。炭素原子を作るから、陽子と中性子の並べ替えを開始してくれ。)
Leonard: No, I don't think so. We need to go home now.(いや、僕はやらないよ、僕らは家に帰らなきゃ。)
Sheldon: But I'm still working.
Leonard: If you don't come out of there, I'm going to have to drag you out.(君がそこから出てこないなら、僕が君を引きずり出すよ。)
Sheldon: You can try, but you'll never catch me.
(He disappears under the balls)
Leonard: For God's sakes. Sheldon, come here!
Sheldon: (popping his head up) Bazinga.
(Disappears, pops up in another place)
Sheldon: Bazinga. (And again) Bazinga. (And again) Bazinga. (And again) Bazinga.

[Leonard's bedroom]
(Sheldon is standing over their bed. He knocks on the wall.)
Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny.
Leonard: (Waking up as Penny screams) What! What, what, what?
Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny.
Leonard: What?
Sheldon: I have good news.
Leonard: And you had to barge in here and wake us up in the middle of the night?(それで君はここに押し入って、夜中に僕らを起こさなきゃならなかったのか?)
Sheldon: Your cell phone was off.
Leonard: Because we didn't want to be disturbed.(邪魔されたくなかったからさ。)
Sheldon: And that didn't work out, did it?
Penny: Sheldon, what do you want?
Sheldon: I came to tell you I've got the answer.
Leonard: Really? You figured out the graphene problem?(本当?グラフェンの問題を解明したのかい?)
Sheldon: No, no, I'm still hopelessly stuck on that, but I figured out how to figure it out.(いや、まだ全然行き詰ってる、でもどうすれば解決できるかわかったんだ。)
Penny: Hey, you know what, Leonard, I know I said I could handle your roommate, but I was wrong. We're going to have to break up.(ねえ、いいこと、レナード、私はあなたのルームメートをあしらえるって言ったけど、間違ってたわ。私達分れなきゃならないみたいね。)
Leonard: What are you talking about?
(As Sheldon sits on the bed,)
Penny: Oh.
Sheldon: Einstein.
Leonard: Yeah, I'm going to need a little more.
Sheldon: Albert Einstein.
Leonard: Keep going.
Sheldon: When Albert Einstein came up with special relativity, he was working at the patent office.(アルバート・アインシュタインが特殊相対性理論を考え付いたとき、彼は特許庁で働いてたんだ。)
Leonard: So, you're going to go work at the patent office?(それで、君は特許庁で働くつもりかい?)
Sheldon: Don't be absurd. That's in Washington. You know I could never live in a city whose streets are laid out in a wheel-and-spoke pattern. No. I'm going to find a similarly menial job where my basal ganglia are occupied with a routine task, freeing my prefrontal cortex to work quietly in the background on my problem.(バカなこと言わないで。あれはワシントンにある。僕は道路が車輪とスポークみたいになってる街に住めない。僕は大脳基底核が決まりきった仕事で占められて、前頭前皮質が背後で静かに僕の独自の問題に自由に取り組めるような、類似した単純作業を見つけるよ。)
Leonard: Sounds like a great plan.(素晴らしい計画のようだね。)
Sheldon: Of course it is. Even talking to you is sufficiently menial that I can feel the proverbial juices starting to flow.(もちろん素晴らしいさ。君と話すことでも、決まりきった活力が流れ始めるって感じられるほどに十分に単純だけどね。)
Leonard: Okay, well, thanks for sharing with us. Good night.(オーケー、さあ、教えてくれてありがとう、お休み。)
Sheldon: You're welcome. Good night to you, too. Oh, by the way, I was watching you sleep for a moment, and I noticed that your snoring seems to be worse when you're on your back.(どういたしまして、お休み。ところで、君が寝てるのを少しの間見てたんだけど、君のいびきはあおむけに寝てるときの方がひどいよ。)
Penny: Leonard doesn't snore.(レナードはいびきをかかないわ。)
Sheldon: No, I wasn't talking to Leonard.(いや、レナードのことじゃないよ。)
Leonard: Told you.(君に言ったんだよ。)

[An employment office]
Employment Office Assistant: So, Mr. Cooper, you're looking for a job.(それで、クーパーさん。あなたは仕事を探してる。)
Sheldon: A menial job. Like yours.(単純労働。あなたのようにね。)
Assistant: Why, thank you for noticing. I'm Menial Employee of the Month. Do you have a particular field in mind?(知らせてくありがとう。私は月雇いの単純労働者。あなたは特に希望職種はあるの?)
Sheldon: I do. For thousands of years, the lowest classes of the human race have spent their lives labouring to erect monuments under the lash of their betters, until finally they dropped down and became one with the dust through which they trudged. Do you have anything like that?(あります。何千年もの間、最下層の人種は上級種族のむちの下、最後に打ち倒れ、その上をとぼとぼ歩いてきた埃にまみれるまで、彼らの生涯を通して記念碑を建てる作業をしていたんだ。)
Assistant: No.
Sheldon: Shouldn't you check your database?(君のデータベースをチェックするべきじゃない?)
(Assistant clicks her keyboard a few times)
Assistant: No.
Sheldon: You didn't really type.(あなたは実際にタイプしなかった。)
Assistant: I didn't really have to. So, how about construction?(実際そうする必要がなかった。建設作業はどうなの?)
Sheldon: Oh, that would be good! Sawing, hammering, eating out of a lunch pail as my working-class fellows and I sit perched precariously on a girder high above the metropolis.(おー、それはいいね、鋸引きに槌打ち、昼飯のドカベンを喰らう、都会の上空の梁に同僚の労働者と僕は危なさそうに並んで座ってね。)
Assistant: No, no. This is putting up sheetrock at a housing project in Rosemead.(いや、違うよ。これはローズミードの建設プロジェクトの石膏ボード貼りだ。)
Sheldon: I could do that.
Assistant: Good.
Sheldon: One question.
Assistant: Yes?
Sheldon: What's sheetrock?
Assistant: Moving on. How about doing deliveries for a florist?(次に行こう、花屋の配達はどう?)
Sheldon: That seems acceptable.
Assistant: Do you have your own car?
Sheldon: I don't drive.
Assistant: Of course you don't. Mr. Cooper, let me just ask you a question. What was your last job?(もちろん運転はしないね。一つ聞くけど、あなたの最後の仕事はなんですか?)
Sheldon: Senior theoretical particle physicist at CalTech, focusing on M theory, or, in layman's terms, string theory.(カルテックの理論量子物理学の研究者、M理論または平たく言えばひも理論が専門だ。)
Assistant: I see. Just give me a second. Security!(分った、ちょっと待って、警備員さん!)

[The Cheesecake Factory]
Penny: Okay, I'll get those drinks started for you.(オーケー、お飲み物お持ちしました。)
Sheldon: (appearing in an apron and carrying a tray) Behind you.(危ない。)
Penny: Sheldon, what the hell are you doing?(シェルダン、あなた何してるの?)
Sheldon: I'm trying to get these tables cleared. We're slammed.(テーブルを片づけようとしてるんだ、とっても忙しいよ。)
Penny: No, wait, wait, no, wait. Wh.. what are you doing here?(いえ、待って、待って、あなたここで何してるの?)
Sheldon: A reasonable question. I asked myself, what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable, and three answers came to mind, uh, toll booth attendant, an Apple Store genius, and what Penny does. Now, since I don't like touching other people's coins, and I refuse to contribute to the devaluation of the word genius, here I am.(もっともな質問だ。僕は自分に尋ねたんだ、考えうる中で何が一番退屈で、単調な仕事か、3つの答えが浮かんで、料金所の受け手、アップルストア・ジーニャス、それとペニーがしてるやつ。それで、僕は他人の硬貨に触りたくないし、ジーニャス(天才)って言葉を損ないたくないから、ここにいるわけ。)
Penny: You just, you just walked in and they hired you, just like that?(あなたは単にここに入ってきて、雇われたって訳?)
Sheldon: Oh, heavens, no. Since I don't need to be paid, I didn't need to be hired. I simply came in, picked up a tray, and started working for the man. Let me get that plate out of your way.(おー、いいや、違うよ。僕は報酬をもらう必要がないから、雇われる必要ないんだ。僕は単にここに入ってきて、お盆をとって、働き始めたんだ。お皿を片づけさせて。)
Penny: Sheldon, this is ridiculous.(シェルダン、これってバカバカしいわ。)
Sheldon: Is it? Just a moment ago I had a minor epiphany regarding the polymer degradation phenomenon while scraping congealed nachos off a plate. Bernadette, table 10 wants their check.(これが?少し前に僕はゼリー状のナチョスをお皿から拭い落とす間に、樹脂の劣化現象に関してちょっとした天啓を受けたんだ。)
Bernadette: Thanks, Sheldon.
Penny: Sheldon, wait, this isn't even what I do. I'm a waitress, not a busboy.(シェルダン、待って、それって私がしてることでさえないわ。私はウェイトレスよ、皿洗いじゃないわ。)
Sheldon: You're right. That is more menial. Hello, I'm Sheldon. I'll be your server today. I don't recommend the salmon. I saw it in the kitchen.(その通り。それはもっと単純な作業だ。そう、僕はシェルダン。僕は今日は君の給仕だ。僕はサーモンは薦めないよ。僕はそれをキッチンで見たからね。)

[The same, later]
Sheldon: All right, one bacon cheeseburger, breaking two Jewish dietary restrictions simultaneously, kudos. Beer-battered fish and chips. Now, here's your tartar sauce. I also brought you salsa. It's a little unconventional, but I think you'll like it. It's zingy. And for you, Factory Burrito Grande, no cheese, no sour cream, no ugly consequences from your lactose intolerance. Bon appe'tit.(それじゃ、ユダヤの2つの食の制限を破るベーコン・チーズバーガー1つ、拍手。ビール・バッター衣揚げのフィッシュ・アンド・チップス。さあ、タルタル・ソースですよ。サラダもお持ちしました。ちょっと風変わりだけど、お気に召しますよ。風味があります。あなたは、ファクトリー・ブリトー・グランデのチーズなし、サワークリームなし、乳糖不耐性の醜い症状なし。ボナペティ[食事を楽しんで]?)
Leonard: Hang on. Black beans, not pinto beans?(待って、うずら豆じゃなくて黒豆なのかい?)
Sheldon: Yes.
Leonard: Double guacamole?(ダブル・ワカモーレなのかい?)
Sheldon: Of course.
Leonard: No cilantro?(コリアンダーなし?)
Sheldon: Nope.
Leonard: Lettuce shredded, not chopped?(レタスは細切れじゃなくて千切りかい?)
Sheldon: Yep.
Leonard: You understand why I'm doing this to you?(僕がどうしてこういうことしてるか君はわかるよね?)
Sheldon: I do.
Leonard: That'll be all. That was fun.(以上だ、楽しかったよ。)
Raj: How long can he keep this up?(彼はこれをどれくらいの間続けられるだろう?)
Leonard: I heard about this professor at MIT who melted down, bought a van, and spent the rest of his life as a mobile dog groomer.(僕はMITの教授で、メルトダウンしちゃって、バンを買って、残りの人生を移動式の犬のグルーマーとして過ごした人を知ってるよ。)
Raj: He never went back to the university?(大学には戻らなかったのかい?)
Leonard: Only to shampoo Professor Chambourg's shih tzu.(シャンブルグ教授のシーズー犬のシャンプーをしに行っただけさ。)
Raj: Sheesh.
Howard: I bet if we all chipped in, we could buy Sheldon a van.(僕らが全員チップをあげたら、きっとシェルダンにバンを買ってあげられるよ。)
Raj: But he's afraid of dogs.(でも彼は犬を怖がってる。)
Leonard: Yeah, that's the only thing wrong with that plan.(そう、その計画の唯一の間違いさ。)
Penny: Hey, guys, sorry you had to wait, but we are swamped. What's this?(ねえみんな、待たせてごめんね、私達今手いっぱいなの、これ何?)
Leonard: Sheldon took our order.(シェルダンが僕らの注文を取ったんだ。)
Penny: Sheldon doesn't work here.(シェルダンはここで働いてないわ。)
Leonard: Well, honey, not to complain, but we were starting to think you didn't either.(えーと、苦情じゃないんだけど、君も手が回らないって考えたんだ。)
(Sheldon drops tray. A nearby table claps)
Sheldon: Is that really necessary? Good Lord. The interference pattern in the fracture. The motion of the wave through the molecular structure. I've been looking at it all wrong. I can't consider the electrons as particles. They move through the graphene as a wave. It's a wave! The moment to applaud would be now. Troglodytes.(それ本当に必要なの?なんてこと。破壊の干渉パターンだ。分子構造における波動。僕はそれを間違ってみてた。電子を粒子として考えることはできない。それはグラフェン中を波として動くんだ。それは波なんだ。今こそ称賛する時だ。チンパンジー。)
Penny: Sheldon, where are you going? Aren't you going to clean this up?(シェルダン、どこへ行くの?これ片づけないの?)
Sheldon: I'm sorry. I don't work here.(ごめん、僕はここで働いてないよ。)

[The roller disco]
Howard: Happy now?
Raj: I'm on a cloud. Swing me.(天にも昇る心地だ。僕を振りまわしてくれ。)
(Howard swings Raj several times.)

[The ball pit, presumably earlier]
Leonard: Sheldon, come here.
(Sheldon once again keeps popping up his head and shouting "Bazinga" as Leonard flails around trying to catch him.)

Story: Lee Aronsohn, Dave Goetsch & Steve Holland
Teleplay: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan
Japanese interpretaion: Norih

Copyright (C) 2017 Methodea LLC