M'dea TBBT 3-13
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Last Update 1/5/2017
First Upload 1/5/2015

The Big Bang Theory Season 3

3-13 The Bozeman Reaction


Leonard and Sheldon return from dinner to find their apartment broken into, with their precious properties stolen. To rid Sheldon of his fears, Howard designs a state-of-the-art security system for the apartment using components he "borrowed" from the Department of Defense. However, after Sheldon himself is caught in the security system, he decides that the apartment is no longer safe and plans to leave Pasadena for a safer city, Bozeman, Montana. But when Sheldon arrives there, he gets robbed again, so he returns to Pasadena. (レナードとシェルダンが夕食から戻ると、アパートが泥棒に荒らされ、彼らの貴重なお宝が盗まれていた。シェルダンの恐怖を取り除くため、ハワードは防衛省の部品を"借りて"最新の防犯システムをを設計した。しかし、シェルダン自身がシステムに捉われてしまい、アパートはもはや安全ではないと考えたシェルダンは、もっと安全な場所、モンタナ州ボーズマンに引越しを決意する。しかし、ボーズマンに着いた途端に泥棒に襲われ、シェルダンは再びパサディナに舞い戻る。)

Word Review

[A Chinese restaurant]
Howard: Boy, seems like forever since the four of us have been out to eat, you know? Just the guys.(全く、我々4人で外食に出かけてた時から永遠の時間がたったみたいだ。男だけでね。)
Raj: Oh, God! Yes, we get it. You have a girlfriend now.(オー、まさにそのとおり。今や君らには彼女がいる。)
Howard: A little jealous, are we?(ちょっと羨ましいかい?)
Raj: No, I'm not jealous. All right, I'd kill a hobo if it'll get me laid. Now, can we order?(いや、羨ましくないよ。僕を押し倒してきたらしこたま飲むよ(???)。注文しようか?)
Sheldon: Oh, dear Lord, they re-did the menu.(おー、なんてこと、メニューが修正されてる。)
Leonard: So what? It's the same food.(だからなんなのさ、同じ料理だよ。)
Sheldon: Oh, is it? Look at this. General Tso's Chicken is no longer listed under specialties. It's now under chicken.(そうかい?これを見て。左宗棠鶏はもう特選品のリストには入ってない。今は鶏料理に入ってる。)
Raj: So?
Sheldon: Yes, General Tso.
Raj: Not Tso the chicken, so the question. So?(鶏の「トウ」じゃなくて、質問の「それで」だよ。それで?)
Sheldon: So, why is it no longer a specialty? Did the chef lose confidence in the dish or himself? And look over here, shrimp in mobster sauce. What is mobster sauce?(それで、どうしてもう特選じゃないんだ?シェフは料理か自分に自信を失ったのか?それにココを見て、海老のモブスター(暴力団員)・ソース添えだって。モブスター・ソースって何だ?)
Leonard: It's obviously a typo.(明らかにタイプミスだ。)
Sheldon: Perhaps. Perhaps this restaurant's now a front for organized crime. For all we know, the mobster sauce contains actual chunks of deceased mobsters.(多分、このレストランは暴力団の前線になってるんだ。おそらく、モブスター・ソースには死んだ暴力団員の一部が含まれてるんだ。)
Raj: No, no, no, no, I think it just means it's the kind of sauce that mobsters like.(いやいや、それはただ暴力団員が好きなソースって意味だと思うよ。)
Howard: It doesn't mean any of that! It's a typo.(どちらでもない。タイプミスだ。)
Leonard: You know what? Let's just get a pizza.
Sheldon: Good idea. We'll go to Corleone's.(いい案だ。コールワンズ・ピザに行こう。)
Howard: Sure, no mobsters there.(いいね。そこにはモブスターもいないし。)

[The stairwell]
Sheldon: You know, the more I think about it, the mobster sauce couldn't possibly contain chunks of mobster.(いいかい、よく考えるとモブスター・ソースには多分暴力団員の一部は含まれないだろう。)
Leonard: And why is that?(どうしてさ?)
Sheldon: It was listed under seafood.(シーフードの下に入ってる。)
Leonard: What if they were mobsters who slept with the fishes?(魚と寝た暴力団員だったらどうするんだ?)
Sheldon: Leonard, are we having a serious conversation or not?(レナード、僕らはまじめな話をしているのか、それともそうじゃないのか?)
(They notice their door has been broken open.)
Leonard: What the…?
Sheldon: The TV is gone.(テレビが無くなってる。)
Leonard: So are our laptops.(僕らのラップトップもだ。)
Sheldon: Oh God, oh God, oh, God! It's all right. They didn't take my comic books.(おー、神よ、よかった。僕のコミックブックは持っていかれてない。)

[The apartment]
Sheldon: They took our TV, two laptops, four external hard-drives, our PS2, our PS3, our X-Box, our X-Box 360, our classic Nintendo, our Super Nintendo, our Nintendo 64 and our Wii.(テレビとラップトップ2台と、外付けハード・ディスク4台、PS2、PS3、X--Box、X-Box 360,古いニンテンドーそれにスーパー・ニンテンドーを持っていかれた。)
Leonard: We like games.
Sheldon: Right, games. They took Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Final Fantasy 1 thru 9, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics and Ms. Pacman.(彼らはヘイロー1、ヘイロー2、ヘイロー3、コール・オブ・デューティ1、コール・オブ・デューティ2、コール・オブ・デューティ3、ロック・バンド、ロック・バンド2、ファイナル・ファンタジー1から9まで、ゼルダの伝説:時のオカリナ、ゼルダの伝説:トワイライト・プリンセス、スーパーマリオ・ブラザース、スーパーマリオ・ギャラクシー、マリオとソニックの冬季オリンピック、それにミズ・パックマンだ。)
Policeman: Assorted video games.(ビデオ・ゲームの詰め合わせだね。)
Sheldon: When does the CSI team get here?(科学捜査班はいつここに来るの?)
Policeman: What?
Sheldon: In anticipation of their arrival, I've bagged some evidence. One of the thieves had the audacity to quench his thirst while ransacking our home. You should be able to pull some good prints off this. And now, here are my prints so you can rule me out as a suspect.(彼らが来るのを見越して僕はいくつかの証拠をとっておいたんだ。泥棒の一人は僕らの家を探し回る間に、厚かましくも喉の渇きを潤したんだ。あなたたちはいい指紋が取れるに違いない。それにここに僕の指紋があるからあなたたちは僕を容疑者から除外できる。)
Leonard: What about me?
Sheldon: I'm sorry, Leonard. It's too early to discount the possibility of this being an inside job.(ごめん、内部犯行の可能性を排除するには早すぎる。)
Leonard: Would I be completely out of line to ask you to shoot him?(そいつを捕まえてくれって君に頼むのに僕は完璧に境界の外にいるのか?)
Policeman: I'd be happy to put him under a 72-hour psychiatric hold.(私は喜んで彼を72時間精神医学拘束に入れるよ。)
Sheldon: I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested.(僕は狂ってない、母さんが僕を試験にかけたんだ。)
Policeman: We're done here. Call this number, and we'll fax you a copy of the report so you can submit it to your insurance company.(私たちの仕事は終わった。ここへ電話すれば、君達が保険会社に提出する報告書をファックスするよ。)
Sheldon: I'm sorry, that's the end of your inquiry?(失礼、あなたたちの聞きたいのはそれだけ?)
Policeman: Do you have any more information that might be relevant?(他に関係しそうな情報はあるのかい?)
Sheldon: Oh, my goodness. Where do I begin? For instance, my laptop contained four out of the five gedanken experiments necessary for a cogent restatement of the quantum measurement problem.(おー、なとまあ。どこから始めよう。例えば、僕のラップトップは量子の測定の問題の説得力ある修正に必要な5つの思考実験のうち4つを含んでた。)
Leonard: How is that going to help them?
Sheldon: Well, they could monitor scientific publications and see if anyone posts such a cogent restatement in the next couple of months. If so, the authors are most likely in possession of my stolen laptop.(彼らは科学出版をモニターして、今後数カ月の内に説得力ある修正に関して誰か投稿するかどうか調べることが出来る。もしそうしたら、著者は僕の盗まれたラップトップを持ってる可能性がある。)
Policeman: Good night, fellas. Come on, Bochco.
Leonard: What are we supposed to do now?(僕らは今どうしたらいいんだ?)
Sheldon: The only thing we can do. Watch TV on our phones until the criminals return and bludgeon us to death in our sleep.(僕らが出来ることは、犯人が戻って僕らが眠ってる間にこん棒で僕らを撃ち殺すまでスマホでテレビ見ることだけだ。)
Leonard: Does that mean you've ruled me out as a suspect?(それって君が僕を容疑者から除いたってことかい?)
Sheldon: Oh, how I wish I could.(そうできたらどんないいことか。)

[Sheldon's bedroom]
(Sheldon is restless. He gets up and checks the door is locked. He then moves his chest of drawers in front of the door. Goes back to bed.)
Sheldon: I do not have to urinate. I am the master of my own bladder. Drat.(僕は排尿しなくてもいい。僕は膀胱の持ち主だ。ちぇっ。)

[Penny's apartment]
Penny: I can't believe it. If I hadn't been working the dinner shift, I would've run right into the robbers.(信じられないわ。もし私が夕食のシフトで働いてたら、まさに泥棒と出くわしてたわ。)
Leonard: Hey, there's no reason for you to be scared.(へい、君なら怖がることないよ。)
Penny: I'm not scared. I would've gone all Nebraska on their asses.(怖がってないわ。私ならそいつらのお尻にオール・ネブラスカの一発を食らわしてやったわ。)
Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny.
Leonard: Hand me the bat.(そのバット取って。)
Sheldon: We just had a major crime in the building, and you open the door without asking who it is?(僕らは犯罪に会ったばかりだ、なのに君は誰か尋ねもしないでドアを開けるのか?)
Penny: It won't happen again, what's up?(再度は起こらないわ、何かあったの?)
Sheldon: Nothing. Just wanted to see if you were both okay.(何も、ただ君ら二人が大丈夫か知りたかったのさ。)
Leonard: We're fine, Sheldon.
Sheldon: All right, then. Good night.
Penny: Good night. That was weird, even for him.(お休み。変ね、彼にしても。)
Leonard: Mm-hmm.
Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny.
Penny: Who is it?
Sheldon: Sheldon. Sheldon Cooper.
Penny: Yes?
Sheldon: May I come in?
Penny: Yeah.
Sheldon: I see you're drinking wine.
Leonard: Yes, we are. And we're about to go to bed.
Sheldon: Uh-huh.
Penny: Sheldon, do you want to sleep here tonight?(シェルダン、あなた今日はここで寝たいの?)
Sheldon: Oh, as small as Leonard is, I don't think the two of you'd be comfortable on the couch.(おー、レナードくらい小さいとしても、僕は君ら二人がソファーの上で寝るのは快適とは思わないよ。)
Leonard: What do you want?
Sheldon: It's not what I want, it's what evolution wants. Human beings are primates. Primates have evolved to live in groups, both for protection and support.(僕が欲してるんじゃなくて、進化が欲しいてるんだ。人類は霊長目だ。霊長目は保護と援助のためにグループで暮らすように進化したんだ。)
Leonard: But you don't like other people.(でも君は他人を好きじゃない。)
Sheldon: I do tonight. It's scary over there.(今夜は好きだ。あそこは怖いんだ。)
Leonard: It's getting scary here, too.(ここも怖くなりつつある。)

[The apartment]
(Sheldon is drawing picture clues on his whiteboard.)
Penny: Um… three little kittens? Three little pigs? God, I don't know. Star Wars?
Leonard: Did we win? Can we go to bed?
Sheldon: Good Lord, I could not have made this easier. Hydrogen atom, H, plus pigs minus pea, Higgs. Bow, General Zod trapped in the Phantom Zone. Bow-zone. Pear. Tickle. Pear-tickle. Higgs Boson Particle. How could you not get that?(おやまあ。もっと簡単にできなかった。水素原子、H、足す豚、引くエンドウ豆。バウ、ジェネラル・ゾッドがファントムゾーンに囚われた。バウ・ゾーンだ。エンドウ豆、ティックル。ピア・ティックル。ヒッグス・ボゾン粒子。どうしてそれが分かんないんだ?)
Leonard: He's right, Penny. It's all there.
Penny: Look, Sheldon, sweetie, I know you're feeling insecure, but we've really got to go to sleep.(いいこと、シェルダン。あなたが不安なのは分るわ、でも私達ほんとに寝なきゃいけないの。)
Sheldon: All right. I'll take the first watch and wake you at 0400.(僕が最初に見張って、君を0400に起こすから。)
Leonard: Great. Good night.
Penny: Wait, wait, what's 0400?(待って、待って、0400て何?)
Leonard: 4am.
Penny: That's, like, in 45 minutes.
Leonard: Just keep walking.
(Sheldon checks door then puts TV on his phone.)
Woman on TV: It's quiet out there.
Man on TV: Maybe a little too quiet.
Woman on TV: Where are you going?
Man on TV: Just gonna take a look around outside.(ちょっと外を見てくる。)
Sheldon: Bad idea.
Woman on TV: No, Jim, don't open the door!(だめ、ジム、ドアを開けないで!)
Sheldon: Listen to her, Jim.
Man on TV: Don't worry, there's no one out here.
(Sound of woman screaming. Sheldon nods, and turns off TV. Walks down to Leonard's room.)
Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny! (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny! (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny!
Leonard: Who is it?

[Outside the apartment]
Howard: All right, we've got a titanium dead bolt and a reinforced jamb controlled by a state-of-the-art electronic access system.(よし、チタン製のデッド・ボルトと最新技術の電子アクセス機構で制御する強化わき柱を手に入れたぞ。)
Sheldon: What if they cut the power?(電源切られたらどうする?)
Raj: There's a 200-watt uninterruptible backup power supply.(200ワットの無停電バックアップ電源がある。)
Sheldon: What if someone steals my keys?(誰かが僕のカギを盗んだらどうする?)
Raj: There are independent voice and fingerprint scanners.(不特定話者音声認識と指紋スキャナーがある。)
Sheldon: What if someone kidnaps me, forces me to record my voice, and then cuts off my thumb?(誰かが僕を誘拐して、僕の声を録音して、僕の親指を切り落としたらどうするんだ?)
Leonard: I'll send them a basket of muffins.(僕がそれをマフィンの籠にするよ。)
Howard: Now, inside, we've got motion detectors, infrared sensors, and cameras connected to a server running state-of-the-art facial recognition software.
Leonard: Where did you get all this stuff?(これみんなどこで手に入れたの?)
Howard: I got a buddy over at the Department of Defence.(国防省の知り合いを使ったのさ。)
Leonard: He just gave it to you?(そいつたんにくれたのかい?)
Howard: I'm sure he would have if I had asked. Ironically, their security isn't all that good.(頼めばくれただろうけどね。皮肉にも彼らのセキュリティーは不十分だったのさ。)
Penny: (entering) Raj, your car is blocking me…(ラジ、あなたの車が邪魔よ。)
(A wire net falls on her, while a computer voice repeats the words "Intruder Alert".)
Penny: What the hell?
Leonard: Sorry, let me help you.
Sheldon: Wonderful security system if we're attacked by a school of tuna.(僕らがマグロの攻撃を受けるとすれば素晴らしいセキュリティーシステムだ。)
Howard: Don't worry, the net's going to be electrified. Picture her on the floor, spasming uncontrollably.(心配しないで、網には電圧をかけるよ。彼女が床の上で自由を失って痙攣してる姿を想像してみなよ。)
Sheldon: Better.

[Sheldon's bedroom]
Sheldon: Sheldon's journal. Security system in place. However, sleep continues to elude me. I've seen the underbelly of Pasadena, this so-called City of Roses, and it haunts me. Ah, the injustice, I lie here awake, tormented, while out there evil lurks, probably playing Donkey Kong on my classic Nintendo.(シェルダンのジャーナル。安全システムは納まってる。しかしながら、引き続き睡眠に至らず。僕はパサデナ、このいわゆるバラの街の無防備を見てしまった、そしてそれが僕を悩ます。ああ、不法、僕は眠らずに横たわり苦悩し、一方、悪人は潜み多分僕の古いニンテンドーでドンキー・コングを遊んでる。)
(Sheldon hears a noise and goes to check, then panics and climbs out window onto ledge.)
Sheldon: Oh, dear. I am the master of my own bladder.(おー、僕は自分の膀胱の支配者だ。)
(Sheldon crawls along to Leonard's window, where Leonard and Penny are inside being intimate. Knock, knock, knock)
Sheldon: Leonard and Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard and Penny.
Penny: Oh, my…
Leonard: God, Sheldon. What the hell are you doing out there?(あー、シェルダン、一体そんなとこで何してんの。)
Sheldon: I heard a noise.(物音が聞こえたんだ。)
Leonard: It was us. We knocked over a lamp.(それは僕らだ。ランプの上からたたいたのさ)
Sheldon: Why would you knock over a lamp?(どうしてランプの上からたたいたんだ?)
Leonard: We were going to have…
Penny: He doesn't need to know what we were doing, Leonard.(彼は私たちが何をしようとしてるか知る必要はないわ。)
Sheldon: Oh! No, she's right, I don't need to know what you were doing. Carry on.(その通り、彼女は正しい。君たちが何をしようとしてるか僕が知る必要はない。続けて。)
(Sheldon starts to climb back out of window.)
Leonard: What are you doing? Use the door.
Sheldon: Good thinking. Perhaps I'll check the perimeter and make some warm milk.(いい考えだ。多分僕は周縁部を調べた後でホット・ミルクを作るよ。)
Leonard: Great, you do that.
Sheldon: Would you like me to bring you some warm milk?(君達ホット・ミルク欲しいかい?)
Leonard: I'm lactose intolerant.(僕は乳糖不耐症だ。)
Sheldon: And you don't wish to alarm me with any more loud noises, very thoughtful. Warm milk, Penny?(君達はもう大きな物音で僕に警告しない、思慮深くね。ホット・ミルクは、ペニー?)
Penny: No, thanks.
Sheldon: Fine. Good night to you, sir. Miss.
Leonard: Sorry about that.
Penny: Ugh, what can you do? Here.
(From outside there is the sound of the net falling and computer voice saying "Intruder alert." Then Sheldon screaming. They run out to find Sheldon convulsing under the net.)
Leonard: Looks like Wolowitz got the net electrified.(ウォロウィッツが網に電圧掛けてたみたいだね。)
Penny: Sheldon, are you okay?
Sheldon: I'm fine. Although I'm no longer the master of my own bladder.(大丈夫だ、僕はもはや自分の膀胱の支配者じゃないけどね。)

[The apartment]
Sheldon: My new computer came with Windows 7. Windows 7 is much more user-friendly than Windows Vista. I don't like that.(僕の新しいコンピュータはウィンドウズ7だ。ウィンドウズ7はウィンドウズ・ヴィスタよりもずっと使いやすい。あれは嫌いだ。)
Leonard: Don't you think looking for a new city to live in is a bit of an overreaction?(新しく住む都市を探すのは過剰反応じゃないか?)
Sheldon: Our apartment was broken into, our security system tried to kill me, and as a result, I'm leaving Pasadena forever. Tell me how that's overreacting.(僕らのアパートは侵入されたし、僕らのセキュリティーシステムには殺されそうになったし、結果として僕はパサディナを永久に離れることにするよ。それがどんなふうに過剰反応って言えるんだ?)
Penny: Come on, Sheldon, you can't move. Don't you need to stay in one place so the mother ship can find you when it returns?(全く、シェルダン、あなたは引越しなんてできないわ。母船が戻ってきたときにあなたを見つけられるように一つの場所に留まるべきじゃない?)
Sheldon: Oh, if that were only true. Unfortunately, as I'm earthbound for the foreseeable future, I need to find a location that's more hospitable than the mean streets of Pasadena. Like Enid, Oklahoma. Low crime rate and high-speed Internet connectivity, but no model train shops. Sorry, Enid.(もしもそれが唯一の真実とは限らない。残念ながら、予測可能な未来に対して、僕は現実的だから、いじわるなパサディナの街よりもっと親切な場所を探す必要があるんだ。)
Penny: Is he quitting his job at the university?(彼は大学の仕事を辞めるの?)
Leonard: Oh, no, he's going to telecommute. Everybody's really excited about it.(おー、違うよ、彼は在宅勤務するんだ。みんな実際そうしたがってるんだ。)
Sheldon: All right. Boone, North Carolina. Every summer since 1952, Boone has hosted an outdoor amphitheater portrayal of the life and times of its namesake, Dan'l Boone. Sounds like something that would attract the wrong crowd. Penny, you're from Nebraska, correct?(さあ、ノース・カロライナのブーンだ。1952以来毎年夏、ブーンはその名前の由来となったダニエルブーンの生活と時代を描写する野外の円形演技場を提供している。悪い仲間を引き寄せそうな響きだね。ペニー、君はネブラスカ出身かい? )
Penny: Born and raised.(生まれも育ちもね。 )
(Sheldon crosses Nebraska off his map)

[Sheldon's bedroom]
(Sheldon is packing.)
Sheldon: It will take me a few days to get settled. After I do, I will e-mail you detailed PDFs containing diagrams and instructions that will guide you through packing and shipping the rest of my possessions to Bozeman, Montana. In the meantime, please forward my mail.(落ち着くまで2、3日かかるだろう。落ち着いたら僕の荷物をモンタナ州のボーズマンに送る方法の図と手順を書いたPDFをe-メールで送るよ。そしたら、僕のメールを転送しておくれ。 )
Leonard: Any place specific or just the Bozeman, Montana Loony Bin?(どこか特別の場所、それとも単にボーズマン、モンタナ精神病院かい?)
Sheldon: I sense you're making a joke, but Bozeman does have a comedy club called The Loony Bin, so do not forward my mail there.(僕は君が冗談言ってるって気づいてるよ、でもボーズマンにはルーニー・ビン(精神病院)って呼ばれてる喜劇クラブがあるんだ、だから僕のメールをそこへは転送しないでくれ。)
Howard: Oh, come on. So you were the victim of a crime. That's part of life. When my great-grandfather first came to this country, he put all his hopes and dreams into this little butcher shop he ran on the Lower East Side of New York*. You know what happened? Every customer who walked into that butcher shop and asked for a pound of liver, got ripped off. But, those people moved on, and so should you.(なんだよ、君は犯罪の被害者だ。それって人生の一部だ。僕の偉大な祖父が最初にこの国に来た時、彼はすべての希望と夢をニューヨークのローワー・イースト・サイドで経営する小さな肉屋においたんだ。そして何が起きたと思う?彼の店に来た客はみんな1ポンドのレバーを注文して、..盗んでいったのさ。でもそいつらは移っていった。君も耐えるべきだ。)*ニューヨーク・マンハッタンの地区で、東西はバワリーからイースト川、南北はキャナル・ストリートからハウストン・ストリートに渡るエリア。伝統的にこの地区はユダヤ系移民や労働者階級が住み着いていたが、2000年代半ば頃から急速に高級化が進み、現在では高級ブティックや流行のレストランが集まるエリアとなった。
Sheldon: I am moving on. I'm going to be a Bozite.(僕は引っ越すんだ。僕はボーザイトになるんだ。)
Leonard: They call themselves Bozites?(彼らは自分たちのことをボーザイトって言うのかい?)
Sheldon: They should. It's one of the first things I plan to bring up upon arrival.(彼らはそうすべきだ。あっちについたら僕が最初に提案することの一つだ。)
Penny: Sheldon, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to miss you.(シェルダン、私がこんなこと言うの信じられないけど、私あなたがいないとさびしいわ。)
Sheldon: Please, Penny, as you know, I'm not comfortable with prolonged good-byes and maudlin displays of emotion, so I prepared a short video.(お願いだ、ペニー、知っての通り、僕は長ったらしいお別れや感傷的な感情の表現は苦手なんだ。だから短いビデオを用意したよ。)
Sheldon: (on laptop screen) Greetings. As you know, I'm not comfortable with prolonged good-byes and maudlin displays of emotion, so I prepared this short video. The four of you are three of my closest friends and one treasured acquaintance. Though I cannot state categorically that my life will be diminished by not having you in it, I am comfortable if you choose to believe that. Since you intend to remain in this lawless metropolitan area, statistics suggest that you will succumb to tragic and gruesome ends before we meet again. Live long and prosper.(ご挨拶。ご存じの通り、僕は長ったらしいお別れや感傷的な感情の表現は苦手なんだ。だから、この短いビデオを用意したよ。君達4人は僕の親友3人と1人の大切な知人だ。君達がいなかったら僕の人生はしぼんでしまうってことを分類していうことはできないけど、君達がそれを信じてくれたら気が楽になるよ。君達はこの無法の都市に意図的に残ることを選んだから、統計によれば再会する前に悲劇的かつぞっとする終末を迎えるだろう。末永くご繁栄あれ。)
Penny: Sheldon, that's so…
(Turns to find he has gone.)
Sheldon: (entering again) You might want to lock the door behind me. This isn't Bozeman.(僕が出ててったら君達はドアをロックするだろう。ここはボーズマンじゃないからね。)
Howard: (after Raj whispers to him) How the hell do I know who's the friend and who's the acquaintance?(誰が友達で誰が知人かなんて僕が知るか。)

[Bozeman, Montana bus depot]
Sheldon: That is a bracing cold, an invigorating cold. Lord, is it cold!(すがすがしい、元気づけるような寒さだ。神よ、寒いよ。)
Man: Help you with your bags, sir?(バッグをお持ちしましょうか?)
Sheldon: Thank you, fellow Bozite. And may I say, you are the living embodiment of all the promises made by our lovely town's Chamber of Commerce.(ありがとう、ボーザイトの友よ。あなたはこの愛すべき街の商工会議所の約束の権化と言えるよ。)
(Man picks up bags and starts running.)
Sheldon: Wait! Wait! Excuse me!
(At ticket desk)
Sheldon: One ticket to Pasadena, California, please.(カリフォルニアのパサディナまで1枚下さい。)

[The apartment]
(Sheldon enters.)
Howard: Hey, look who's back!
Sheldon: Interesting. The acquaintance is the first to greet me.(おもしろいね、知人が最初に僕に挨拶をくれたよ。)

Story: Bill Prady, Lee Aronsohn & Jim Reynolds
Teleplay: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Steve Holland
Japanese interpretaion: Norih

Copyright (C) 2017 Methodea LLC